What is the beast, what is the false prophet, how long in existance, when in Rev.19:20 the lake of fire, and when 20:1-3 no Satan for 1000 years?What is the beast and false prophet and when are they at Rev.19:20 cast into the lake of fire?
John summarizes the course of the final war: “And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage the war with the one seated on the horse and with his army. And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who render worship to its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulphur. But the rest were killed off with the long sword of the one seated on the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth. And all the birds were filled from the fleshy parts of them.”—Revelation 19:19-21.
After the pouring out of the sixth bowl of Jehovah’s wrath, John reported that “the kings of the earth and of the whole world” were gathered by demonic propaganda to “the battle of that great day of God Almighty.” This is fought at Armageddon—not a literal location, but the global situation that calls for the execution of Jehovah’s judgment. (Revelation 16:12, 14, 16, King James Version) Now John sees the battle lines. There, ranged against God, are all “the kings of the earth and their armies.” They have stubbornly refused to submit themselves to Jehovah’s King. He gave them fair warning in the inspired message: “Kiss the son, that [Jehovah] may not become incensed and you may not perish from the way.” Not having submitted to Christ’s rule, they must die.—Psalm 2:12.
The seven-headed, ten-horned wild beast out of the sea, representing Satan’s political organization, is tumbled into oblivion, and along with it goes the false prophet, the seventh world power. (Revelation 13:1, 11-13; 16:13) While still “alive,” or still functioning in their united opposition to God’s people on earth, they are cast into “the lake of fire.” Is this a literal lake of fire? No, not any more than the wild beast and the false prophet are literal animals. Rather, it is a symbol of complete, final destruction, a place of no return. Here is where, later, death and Hades, as well as the Devil himself, will be hurled. (Revelation 20:10, 14) It is certainly not an inferno of eternal torture for the wicked, since the very idea of such a place is detestable to Jehovah.—Jeremiah 19:5; 32:35; 1 John 4:8, 16.
All others who were not directly part of government but who were nevertheless an irreformable part of this corrupt world of mankind are likewise “killed off with the long sword of the one seated on the horse.” Jesus will pronounce them deserving of death. Since in their case the lake of fire is not mentioned, are we to expect that they will have a resurrection? Nowhere are we told that those executed by Jehovah’s Judge at that time are to be resurrected. As Jesus himself stated, all those who are not “sheep” go off “into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels,” that is, “into everlasting cutting-off.” (Matthew 25:33, 41, 46) This climaxes “the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.”—2 Peter 3:7; Nahum 1:2, 7-9; Malachi 4:1.
In this way, all of Satan’s earthly organization comes to an end. The “former heaven” of political rulership has passed away. The “earth,” the seemingly permanent system that Satan has built up over the centuries, is now utterly destroyed. The “sea,” the mass of wicked humanity opposed to Jehovah, is no more. (Revelation 21:1; 2 Peter 3:10) What, though, does Jehovah have in store for Satan himself? John goes on to tell us.
What, then, is in store for Satan himself and his demons? John tells us: “And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he seized the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he hurled him into the abyss and shut it and sealed it over him, that he might not mislead the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After these things he must be let loose for a little while.”—Revelation 20:1-3.
Who is this angel? He must have tremendous power to be able to dispose of Jehovah’s archenemy. He has “the key of the abyss and a great chain.” Does this not remind us of an earlier vision? Why, yes, the king over the locusts is called “the angel of the abyss”! (Revelation 9:11) So here we again observe Jehovah’s Chief Vindicator, the glorified Jesus Christ, in action. This archangel that cast Satan out of heaven, that judged Babylon the Great, and that disposed of “the kings of the earth and their armies” at Armageddon would surely not step aside to let a lesser angel deliver the masterstroke in abyssing Satan!—Revelation 12:7-9; 18:1, 2; 19:11-21.
When the great fiery-colored dragon was hurled down from heaven, he was spoken of as “the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.” (Revelation 12:3, 9) Now, at the point of being seized and abyssed, he is described again in full as “the dragon, the original serpent, who is the Devil and Satan.” This infamous devourer, deceiver, slanderer, and opposer is chained and hurled “into the abyss,” which is closed and sealed off tightly, “that he might not mislead the nations anymore.” This abyssing of Satan is for a thousand years, during which time his influence on mankind will be no more than that of a prisoner in a deep dungeon. The angel of the abyss removes Satan completely from any contact with the Kingdom of righteousness. What a relief for mankind!
What happens to the demons? They too have been “reserved for judgment.” (2 Peter 2:4) Satan is called “Beelzebub the ruler of the demons.” (Luke 11:15, 18; Matthew 10:25) In view of their longtime collaboration with Satan, should not the same judgment be meted out to them? The abyss has long been an object of fear to those demons; on one occasion when Jesus confronted them, they “kept entreating him not to order them to go away into the abyss.” (Luke 8:31) But when Satan is abyssed, his angels will surely be hurled into the abyss with him. (Compare Isaiah 24:21, 22.) After the abyssing of Satan and his demons, the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ can begin.
Will Satan and his demons be active while in the abyss? Well, remember the scarlet-colored, seven-headed wild beast that “was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss.” (Revelation 17:8) While in the abyss, it ‘was not.’ It was nonfunctioning, immobilized, to all intents and purposes dead. Likewise, speaking of Jesus, the apostle Paul said: “‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.” (Romans 10:7) While in that abyss, Jesus was dead. It is reasonable to conclude, then, that Satan and his demons will be in a state of deathlike inactivity for the thousand years of their abyssing. What good tidings for lovers of righteousness!
2 Timothy 3 :
1 But know this, that in the LAST DAYS critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
THESE are the last days, Revelation will be fulfilled very soon.What is the beast and false prophet and when are they at Rev.19:20 cast into the lake of fire?
It is a strange thing in the testimony of scripture to know when a period begins or ends. Jesus said that the people of this age will not pass away until all of these things come to pass. He was speaking about the period of time when generations of man are born upon the earth.
Also, the Book of Revelations is very highly symbolic. The Beast is said to be the body of the followers of satan. That body is made up of those who perform the rites of satan. The more base that body becomes, the more terrible the elements are upon it. Therefore, one can only beg people to avoid occultic rites and ritualism.
St. Peter says that we must be submitted to a trial like gold tested in fire, so that we can be purified and stand before the Lord who is perfect in every measure. But as to those who live according to the flesh and refuse his every mercy, to them has been reserved the everlasting fires of hell.
We do not know for instance if the 1000 years is a chronologous period or portions of time. For example, the Third Reich lasted for 12 years. And one can read the Book of Revelations and see that the symbolic sum and variations of the parts happen many times and in many places. If the Lord had not shortened this period it says, no man would remain. So that he has made these periods for our justification in grace and in mercy, with a trial with which he gives to each man a way out, or a path to Him.
One of these paths is the 'Fiat' of Mary, or her relentless yes to the plan of God. The Holy Mother is shown in Rev. 12 as the ';woman clothed with the sun.'; When we allow ourselves to be covered by the mantle of Mary, no fierce heat nor terror nor falsehood can overcome us. Because she is full of grace, as the angel proclaimed of her. God is tender in his mercies as she is our oasis in the time of distress and at the ';hour of death.';
By our Baptism in water and the spirit, we proclaim that we do believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and that we do reject satan and all of his works, his pomps and his false promises. To those that return to the contiual baths of his mercies, and wash their robes in the Blood of the Lamb, there is no fear in them of the punishment of the wicked, nor the distress of the worldly minded.
'For in these I will place my Spirit, that they do rightly, and come to a good end, for I myself Am the Lord, who speaks through the hearts of all believers.' If this Word is in you, then you too shall come to the fullness of the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
From the Book of St. Matthew:
16:2. But he answered and said to them: When it is evening, you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.
16:3. And in the morning: Today there will be a storm, for the sky is red and lowering. You know then how to discern the face of the sky: and can you not know the signs of the times?
16:4. A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign: and a sign shall not be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. And he left them, and went away.
This sign was said to be the Son of Man shut up inside the earth for three days, just as Jonas was shut up inside the belly of the whale. 'But darkness shall encompass the earth, and men shall know their God.' And so three may be days, or lengths of days, may be for all men, or for certain men. The wise virgins will have enough oil ';unction'; for their lamps, for when the Bridegroom comes for them. Those who participate in the rites of the Lord and have no part in wrongdoing, to the extent they have faith, and perservere shall overcome. Also, he speaks of virgin as those who take no part in the ways of the fleshly minded, or concupiscent. They keep their hearts, minds and souls in a ready state of pure contemplation.
Remember also that the Lord Jesus Christ is a priest, and is with us even until the end of time. St. Paul says that no power, principality or authority can seperate us from the love of Jesus Christ, Our Lord.
Since the term Beast is used to describe both beings working with Good forces, (The Four Beasts), and Bad forces. I think they might be powers of a more elemental nature. Perhaps even beings we have created ourselves.
When they are destroyed, or put in a position where destruction is inevitable, is UNKNOWN. But it will be after 1000 years of
peace, and evil again roaming the Earth for a time. According to the Book you refer to.
The Beast as described in the Book of Rev., is a beast system.
It will be headed up by satan himself when he is kicked out of Heaven by Michael at a specially appointed time. You have probably heard about the 7 year period - split up to 3 1/2 years plus 3 1/2 years? Well, actually you will find in Rev 9 that it was shortened to a five-month period. Thats all the time satan will actually have to fully run the beast system, which is a one-world government, one common religion for all.
When Christ returns (which will be AFTER this event) this earth age will come to a close, and there will be a 1000 year period of teaching and disipline. It is only after this period that the great judgement will happen - so everyone who did not have a chance to learn the truth while in the flesh, will still have that 1000 yr. period to learn the truth - nobody is going into the lake of fire without having a clear understanding of the truth, and be given every opportunity to avoid death of the soul. During this period, satan will be locked away, so he will not have any ability to interfere with anyone. But, after the period is over, he will be let loose for just a small amount of time so that anybody who wants to follow him can do it - and they will follow satan into the lake of fire, which is to say, satan will be turned to ashes from within.
There is no such hell where we will see people frying like bacon for an eternity - its just not written. Its only an idiom (a saying) that their smoke will rise up forever and ever. smoke does that.
Anyway, thats pretty brief, but basically it.
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