Thursday, February 4, 2010

What can I do about being fired for false accusations?

A couple days ago I got fired because my boss thinks I broke into the bar and stole alcohol. There are two other bartenders that work there and they just happen to have went to school with my boss. So, I think he just blamed me. The truth is, the other two bartenders party all the time and get smashed any time they can. I don't party at all and I've never drank in my life. I really want to fight this because now, I have bills to pay and no one is hiring and I really don't want to just settle for unemployment. I want to fight this due to principle. They can't get away with this. Please, can someone tell me what I can do?What can I do about being fired for false accusations?
There is nothing you can do.

File for unemployment.

He will deny your benefits.

You will appeal.

He will have to show cause.

If he has no cause you will get benefits and then you can sue him for wrongful termination.

Note: for all you know there was no break in and there is no liquor stolen. This could all be an attempt on the part of your boss to bilk his insurance and at the same time fire you without having to pay benefits. Check to make sure he filled out a police report and if he did not accuse you then make sure the workforce people know that. Either he has evidence against you or he does not. I would think he does not. Fingerprints are not enough, nor is DNA. He needs video, or a witness to put you in the bar at the time of the crime. He needs you caught with the alcohol. If he does not have that then you will eventually get money for lost earnings, lost benefits, and if you can prove it defamation of character.

Good Luck.What can I do about being fired for false accusations?
you are going to have to hire a good Lawyer and prove you didn't steal the alcohol the lawyer will tell you what to do. I would do this ASAP I don't think you can do this on your own with out a witness that will say they was with you and know for sure you didn't steal it.without a lawyer this could be hard .
You should file a suit if you think you can prove you had no motive to steal alcohol simply because you don't use the stuff. Contact the board of labor and if necessary contact the legal foundation for free or contingent representation. Then when you catch the guilty one who framed you or lied on you then you take that person into the back room and slap the cowboy sh!t out of him/her...
Talk to a lawyer on a contingency basis.
would you really want to work at a place where you were treated so badly?....I'd look for a new job.
Honestly, its going to be a brutal and long fight so file unemployment for now. I was fired as a result of false accusations years ago, but unless there is proof that you did not do what they are saying, its very difficult to win a case. I consulted a lawyer about my case. I was accused of leaving a safe open with money inside all night. When the other assistant manager came to work in the morning, he said the safe was left open. He had a deep hate for me and I knew this forever, he was always trying to get me in trouble. I had no proof that I didn't do it, but I know I didn't. I had been doing my job for 6 years and never done it before, besides I am not retarded. Well the lawyer said going to court over it would be almost worthless, chances are I would just waste time. Sorry, it sucks I know. Its really not fair but not too much you can do. If I were you I would write a letter to the manager. Sometimes writing it in a letter comes out more clear than if you just go try to talk to him about it.

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